Last year was the 50th anniversary since Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann created one of my favorite fonts, Helvetica.
Cheese making and dairying are certainly NOT the greatest export of the Swiss, rather this delicious and timeless font that has taken the world by storm ever since that historic day in 1957.
Like many other people in our industry I watched the documentary named Helvetica, directed by Gary Hustwit, out of respect and out of curiosity and a sense of historical pride. It was well done, informative and endearing, the sentimentality floods your heart and designers and visual aficionados everywhere were able to put into words their appreciation for this typeface.
I watched the movie again (I have it sitting on the desktop of my MacBook pro) and was instantly inspired, again!
Like Helvetica, this documentary was not intended for a one time use, but to fall in love again and again and to confirm your insistence of using it for so many different things.
Thanks Helvetica! Thanks again!
more helvetica love here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rumberodesign/2506752246/
Awesome Helvetica linkage!!! Thanks!
Love that you used "fontificate" as the title. I hope to make that word much more recognizable throughout the industry.
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