April 28, 2013

Is Glass Google's iPod?

On October 23, 2001 Steve Jobs changed the world, he announced a Mac-compatible product with a 5 GB hard drive that put "1,000 songs in your pocket."
Some time around August 2011 a Google Glass prototype that weighed around 8 pounds was introduced to the world.
Unlike its hand held predecessor, the iPod, Glass is a Google-compatible product with about 12 GB of storage a 5 MP photo and a 720 video camera, wifi and Bluetooth connectivity and is completely hands free.
Welcome to a world through Glass.
The majority of our attention had been seduced by a bulky flickering screen, then completely devoured by a hand held device coupled with social media that ironically made us all much less social.
The smartphone untethered us from our computers but didn't do much for our manners. We ignore our dates, view live concerts and shows through 5 inch screens and have became completely heads down.
Is Google Glass the solution to our attention deficit?
Glass takes that distracting little gadget that we all hide behind and fades it away by embedding a into a wearable device.
Wearable computing is not a new phenomenon. The abacus ring made it's debut in the 1600s.
Steven Mann made Cyberfashion all the rage in the late 1970s and in the early 1980s the calculator wristwatch became the haute couture of geekdom.
Things got creepy when people started talking to themselves while wearing those Bluetooth Jawbone earpieces.
Glass promises to be a much different wearable experience.
It provides a wearer hands free augmented reality, bits of data are coupled with what the wearer is currently seeing in real time.
Pictures and videos can be taken and shared with the ease of a simple voice command and the world suddenly becomes a lot more interesting when you can Wiki pretty much anything you see.
In the near future the hardware will start to fade back into a pair of Warby Parker frames and as the battery life improves I believe there will be an explosion of users who will do much more with context rather than being distracted by content.
Glass promises to be one of those transformational devices similar to the iPod.
Even the Eric Schmidt the Google Chairman admits that talking to Glass is “the weirdest thing,” but is betting the bank on it becoming the company's gateway device to all of Google services.
I haven't had the chance to explore the world wearing Glass yet but I have been chosen as one of the first Explorers to get my hands on a pair and I am anxiously waiting to see if it is truly as transformational as promised.

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